Spiritual Practices
The Bible is a compilation of 66 books and letters written by more than 40 authors during a period of approximetly 1500 years. It’s original text was communicated in just three languages – Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. The Old Testament was written for the most part in Hebrew, with a small percentage in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek. The English word “Bible” comes from Byblos in Greek and means book or books. Other terms for the Bible are The Holy Scriptures, or The Scriptures which means “Sacred Writings”.
The Bible itself claims to be the inspired Word of God or “God -breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16: 2 Peter 1:21). It unfolds as a Divine Love story between The Creator God and the object of His love, humankind. In the pages of the Bible, we learn of God’s interaction with humans. We discover His purposes and plans from the beginning of time and throughout history.
Finding inner peace within yourself through this philosophical form of meditation aligns with the Holy Text of the Scripture.
Praying and Meditating on the Scripture gives you the opportunity to harmonize with yourself and to be able to harmonize with others. In turn, this can help us achieve a more harmonious Universe and Creation overall.
God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and truthfulness.
Since God’s substance is Spirit, you need to use your Spirit as the right part of your Human Energy Structure to “worship God.” By using your Spirit, you could contact God, drink Him as the Living Water, and absorb God into your being.
Praying and Meditating with your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators prepare your mind to absorb God’s Word and His principles for the greatest effectiveness.
Every Spiritual Practice with your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators can be performed by you no matter if you are inside your home, office, at God’s home Church or Temple, or somewhere outside – on the beach, on the mountain, in the park, in the city.
When was the last time you sat down with any doctrine in Scripture and thought about what it means, letting your mind dwell upon how that doctrine could change you?
Most people don’t have time to think that way. They’ve got something to do, and they’re in a hurry. They’ve got to grab something out of the Scriptures and run.
We have lost something tremendous in this modern life. We’ve gained a lot of electronic marvels, a lot of entertainment, and a lot of busyness. However, a great deal of what makes life worth living has been subtracted from our existence.
The thinking over Scripture – letting the mind meditate upon the richness that is there, the marrow in the bones, the rich fatness of what is there, permeating our being, to make us what we should be – is what is lacking.
The balance that comes from Scripture is not just an intellectual, academic balance. It is the heart balance of putting God in the place in one’s life that He should be and putting yourself in a lesser position. It is thinking about what the Bible says for me, how I can improve, and how I can become better through what this Book says.
When you start to think in that manner, there are many things you can think of that need improvement, but who’s thinking about it? We’re busy. We’ve got things to do. We’ve got to hurry. But we need balance.
We need to be thinking of Scripture, because it needs to control us, to transform us, and to make us closer to God than we have been, with a deeper understanding of what His will is. After all, it’s revealed in Scripture, and in our hearts, we are drawn to that.
Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us. We tend to think of “intercessory prayer” when we speak of prayer, but there is much more to a prayer life than this. In prayer, we begin to think God’s thoughts: we desire what God desires; we love what God loves; we will what God wills. In prayer, we are collaborators with God. We are working with God to determine the future. Praying is a matter of opening ourselves so that God’s life and power can flow through us into others.
Meditation introduces us to the inner life.
As we read a passage of Scripture, God invites us to listen in silence and solitude. This is the basic attitude of prayer. God speaks to us in God’s way. We become conscious of God’s presence in and around us. We may carry on a conversation with God. We complete the prayer session with a review. This is not a “Bible study.” This is praying with the firm belief that our Scriptures are a Living Word which can speak to us each day in new ways.
Living in the power of the Spirit does not negate the need for God’s Word but works in tandem with it. The value of the Bible is that this is the inspired Word of God. That doesn’t mean that God can’t speak to us outside of the Bible. God wants to interact with you every day through the Holy Spirit. But it does mean that God will not tell you something through the Holy Spirit that contradicts what He has already told us through His Word. That’s why you have to know what the Bible says because it’s the borders from within which God uses to speak to us through the Holy Spirit.
Ask yourself the following questions while you are doing the Spiritual Practices on Scriptures:
• How does this passage apply to my life?
• What changes must I make?
• How will I carry out these changes?
• What will be my prayer concerning this truth?
• Which verse(s) in this section should I memorize?
• What illustration or word picture will help me remember what I’ve read?