The frequently asked questions below are a great way to learn more about Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators.

What is Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator?

Unique Technology that generates and unites the Divine Light power of Cosmic Energy and Spiritual Energy, which then influences the Field of the Soul. It connects Human Souls with The Spirit of God perfectly represented by the combination of Geometrical Models and Word of God Positive Programs.  Praying and Meditation with Noosphere Regulator Soul Energy uplift your Soul for Eternal Life in Kingdom of Heaven by filling it with love, light, truth and the faith in God within every dimension of the Creation of God.

What is the content of Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators?

Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators consist of Cosmic Energy represented by Geometrical models and Spiritual Energy represented by Word of God paper-based Positive Programs, created by me, Stella Kamenova.

How do Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators work?

The Geometrical models and Word of God (which can be turned into geometrical models itself through the special numeric system) inside the Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators allow your body to connect to the constant presence of adequate magnetic energy which activates your self-healing process by boosting the formation and division of cells. Cell division is a process responsible for keeping the body healthy and rejuvenated. Every cell has a positive and negative field in the DNA.
Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators allow your energy structure to activate the positive field in your DNA cells on a physical level. They activate the rotation of your counter-rotating fields of light or spirals of energy, which are similar to a strand of DNA. They transport the spirit or consciousness from one dimension to another and connect you with the Divine Light of God.

The Geometrical models and Word of God (which can be turned into geometrical models itself through the special numeric system), inside Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators, allow your body to connect to the right parts of Torsion Energy Fields which are carrier waves for consciousness. Our brain, too, is a vacuum-based “torsion- field transceiver.”
It is proven that the right parts of the torsion energy fields can harmonize and heal your energy structure, while the left parts of the torsion energy fields cause pathological changes and make you sick.
The torsion energy field of God can merge with us and to be within us only if we have a pure heart and clean thoughts. With our thoughts, we create very powerful torsion energy fields and if our thoughts are negative we are creating left torsion energy fields. If our thoughts are positive we create right torsion energy fields.

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What for and how to use Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators?

When you use your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator, you uplift your Divine Light & your thoughts are positive most of the time as you have deep faith in God.

You always increase your Soul Divine Light while using your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators by just wearing them on you or with you, and also during your Praying and Meditation time with them.

When you Practice with your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator, in different ways, your Energy Centers, Aura and Energy Field connect with the Divine Light power of the content of the Noosphere Regulators. All shapes, patterns and words of the Programs inside the Noosphere Regulators start interacting with the negative programs deep within your heart and soul.
As the Programs of Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators are only positive and created by the pure Divine Light of God, your already activated spirals of energy bring you to a place of complete protection with the surrounding energy being generated from pure Divine Love.

How many are the types of Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators?

There are Two Main Groups: Necklace Noosphere Regulators and Noosphere Regulators For Hands and Body.

Necklace Noosphere Regulators includes 3 different types, while Noosphere Regulators For Hands and Body
are 6 different types.

What materials are Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators made of?

The inside content of Necklace Noosphere Regulators is made of paper-based Geometrical Models and Word of God Scripture Programs wrapped in special foil, while the outside parts consist from German Anodized Aluminum Designed Covers (nonalergic) merged with plastic white rivets.

The inside content of Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators For Hands and Body is made of paper-based Geometrical Models and Word of God Scripture Programs wrapped in special foil. The outside parts consist from German Anodized Aluminum Designed Front Cover with laser graved Soul Energy Brand Logo and the Glossy Plexiglas Back Cover.

What are the size parameters of Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators?
What are the size parameters of Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators For Hands and Body?
Do Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators come with instructions for their way of use?

Yes, you will receive instructions via email on how to work and use your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators, as well as links of few main Spiritual Practices created by me, Stella Kamenova for the beginning of your Soul uplifting process.

Do Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators come with any extras FOR FREE?

Yes, when you order your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators you will receive Cover Cases for free, which are specially designed for the specific size parameters of each type of Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators, in order to protect the materials they are made of.

Your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators should not be scratched during your praying and meditation time, or while bringing them with you in your handbag, in order to always look nice and new.

Do Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators have any negative influences over the Human Energy Structure?

Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators can only bring POSITIVE Divine Light Electromagnetic Energy to your Human Energy Structure! The Divine Light of God is not like an emanation of God – it is God himself, more exactly His Energy. God is absolutely inaccessible in his nature but perfectly communicable in His Energies.

This is an unspoken difference in the pure simplicity of God which overpasses any known complexity by us!

Who can use Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators?

All Generations are kindly welcomed to merge with the Divine Light power of our Creator and to uplift for eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven! We are all God’s children and He loves each one of us! I encourage you to overcome the pride within you and to merge with our Lord! As only through Him we can have true wisdom, love, faith, hope, joy and life!

For Lord Jesus Christ is our Greatest Treasure!

Is it possible for somebody to use a Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator to make a curse or any kind of negative energy influence (Black Magics) over me or over another person?

Nobody can do anything to harm or influence the Energy Centers of another Human Soul by using Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators, in any negative way!

When I receive my Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators, can they be used by another member of my family or from friends?

Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators have to be used ONLY BY YOU because They Are Alive Energy Structures (as they represent and are the Consciousness of God itself), which are merged with your Human Energy Structure vibrations.

Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators can heal your Soul and uplift it on the Divine Light path of faith, hope, love of our Creator and to separate it in this way from all demons and negative energy powers in all visible and invisible dimensions of the Creation!

How to Clean Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators?

You can wipe your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators with wet napkins first and then with another dry microfiber cloth (not sponges). This is done to prevent them from getting spots.

Another way of cleaning your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators is with glass detergent or disinfectant splashed over your microfiber cloth and then wiping them until there are no spots.

Is there a warranty/guarantee on Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators?

One-year limited warranty.

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What is the Shipping, Return, Refund Policy?

Read in details here.

What is the Discount policy?
Can I become a dealer? Can I resale Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators?

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