Great Pyramid of Giza – Cairo, Egypt
The vacuum is free space, which is devoid of matter.
The matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space by volume.
Everything is made of vacuum. Its energy gives birth to, penetrates, and feeds the whole world of existence.
A Torsion or Rotational Field is an Energy Field, in which the quantum spin of particles can be used to cause discharges, to carry information through a vacuum faster than the speed of light. Torsion field emanations can travel at velocities at least as high as 109 times the speed of light.
The thoughts are waves (light) coming from outside. They are our spiritual world.
According to the Law of Creation of the Divine Spiritual-Physical Vacuum of the Torsion Fields, when an event occurs action in the spiritual world, an equal force of action or counteraction in the physical vacuum occurs too.
Why action or counteraction?
If an event from the spiritual world faces resistance in our mind, in which case negative thoughts or disbeliefs will form in the brain, which is a vacuum-based torsion field transceiver, this will also activate the left part of the Torsion Fields. The brain will start feeding our Energy Field with fears and will bring darkness in our Human Energy Structure.
If an event from the spiritual world gets accepted in our mind, where positive thoughts or beliefs have formed, the brain will activate the right part of the Torsion Fields. This will start feeding our Energy Field with happiness, joy and will bring Divine Light in our Human Energy Structure.
How can you fight the possibility of the event from the spiritual world being accepted by the mind, causing fears and negative thoughts to form?
You can not do this alone, but you can with the help of your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators.
They bring waves of Divine Light at a certain frequency called thoughts, to your personality! Their Positive Programs of Geometrical Models and Word of God are merging with your Consciousness and Subconsciousness, bringing Divine Light Energy that is raising the vibrations of your positive thoughts, to your mind. And in this way, your brain influences your body and whole Energy Structures in a positive way, by activating the right parts of your Torsion Field.
Important: By breathing the Energy of your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator into your Energy Field you manifest in the Quantum Field your desire to connect with the Supreme Consciousness of God.
Sit down and put your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator over your legs above your knees, then put your palms over it and say “Lord’s Prayer” or another prayer you know and feel close to your heart.
This is very important because, in this way, your Soul will start communicating with the Spiritual Energy (Word of God) which is inside your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators!
The power of Praying to God coming from your heart means you are ready to open it and to receive the Lord as your Savior.
Now when you manifest your faith in God by praying to Him and while still keeping your palms over your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator take a deep breath, inhale the air coming as Divine Light from your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator through your nose and keep the inhaled air in your body for at least three to four seconds. Now exhale the air slowly, through your mouth towards your whole Bio Field and repeat the process of breathing for two to three minutes. Even more, if you want. It is always up to you. There is no strict timing. The more, the better.
Now read once again the Essenes of The LAW of Creation of the Divine Spiritual-Physical Vacuum of the Torsion Fields and think over it.
It is time for you to start understanding the deep meaning of The LAW of Creation of the Divine Spiritual-Physical Vacuum of the Torsion Fields within your mind and to feel it within your heart.
Now say: I will put The LAW of Creation of the Divine Spiritual-Physical Vacuum of the Torsion Fields into effect by committing to take the following steps:
1. From this moment, my mind will accept the Divine Light of God and by its power will accumulate positive thoughts, which will separate me from the frequencies of the demonic souls’ vibrations.
2. From today by the power of The LAW of Creation of the Divine Spiritual-Physical Vacuum of the Torsion Fields, I will spread my Divine Light only in the right part of my physical vacuum’s torsion fields. The most beautiful events will occur and my Soul will be ready to accept it and to turn it into reality.
3. Right now, my Soul can accumulate the Divine Light Waves with different frequencies and accelerate them through the spiritual event that will occur in order my mind and brain to accept the event for reality!
Now feel the Divine Light frequencies that activate your right torsion fields by the power of The Divine Spiritual -Physical Vacuum of the Torsion Fields, entering your life right now, in this very special moment by inhaling the air of your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator and visualizing how the Divine Light of Lord is entering your body through your navel and then fulfilling every Energy Center of yours while you still keep the inhaled air in your body for 3 seconds.
See and feel yourself flowing into every dimension of the Creation, merging with the core of it and opening your heart and Soul for the Most Beautiful Divine Light Frequencies of God! Lord is with you, He wants you to uplift, to feel His grace and to feel the unconditional love He has for you. You deserve God’s love and He wants to forgive your sins, by unlocking your heart for His love. God wants you to stay in close relationship with him and to heal your Soul!
Then exhale the air from your mount visualizing it is going to and fulfilling your Solar Plexus Energy Center!
Now pray for mercy and open your heart for God by saying this prayer:
“Lord Jesus I need you. Thank you for dying on the Cross for my sins! I open the door of my life and receive you as my saviour and Lord. Take control of my life. Make me the kind of a person you want me to be. Amen”
By doing this Spiritual Practice with your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators, your Energy System is in balance. Your Soul is uplifted, as it already knows how to use the Divine Light of God for activating your Right Torsion Fields.
You are feeling relaxed, you are ready to accept what happens in your life (no matter if it is good or bad). You are full of the Divine Light of Lord, of His Truth and His Wisdom, and you trust Him, slowly starting to realize, by practising, that the Divine Light of God is helping you to overcome the negative thoughts that are coming as waves from the Open Space, sent to your heart by the dark forces.
Your heart will stop feeling fear, with time, and you will start interacting easily with others and with the demands of the world. You also know when your needs are being compromised and you, easily find a balance between external and internal needs. You can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes.