The Holy Fathers called Lent the basis of all virtues, because through Fasting our Mind is preserved in the necessary Purity and Sobriety and our Heart in the necessary Lightness and Spirituality.
Fasting is the first Law given by God to man.
In its essence, Fasting is a Spiritual abstinence through the renunciation of pleasures and the use of blissful food with a moderate intake of fasting food.
Those who fast stay away from sexual intercourse while fasting in order to have self control (1 Cor. 7: 5). The Gentile King, Darius did the same (Dan. 6:18).
The essence of Fasting is the fight against Sin through abstinence from food.
Fasting is a feat that requires preparation and gradualism. Those who start fasting in adulthood and have never fasted before should start abstaining from blissful food on Wednesdays and Fridays.
The meaning of Fasting is the acquisition of Humility towards God and neighbor.
The meaning of fasting is to eradicate the destructive manifestations of the Soul and acquire virtues, which is facilitated by Prayer and frequent visits to God’s Temple.
Saint Mina’s Monastery – Egypt
What is the purpose of Fasting for Christians?
Fasting was given by The Lord Jesus Christ Himself and established by His Holy Apostles. Once the Lord and the Holy Apostles have fasted, then their Fast, which is an example to follow, appears to us as a commandment.
According to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Apostles, True Fasting is a means to:
- Our sanctification and union with God. In the Holy Scriptures, Lent is mentioned as a saving weapon for overcoming temptations and a means of driving out the Devil. (Mark 9:29)
- Fasting also offers to Curb the Passions, to Humble, to Repent and Appease God, to Glorify the Divine Light.
- Fasting is a means of living participation in the Life, Suffering, Death and Glory of the God-Man and His Saints!
Just as the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus Christ is a sacrifice to the world, so our fasting on Church appointed days is our little personal sacrifice for Him.
If God offered His Son as a sacrifice for us in order to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, is it a great sacrifice for us to restrain our body and our passions, at least in the time explicitly indicated by the Church?
From the indulgence of the stomach the Heart is burdened, roughened and hardened. The Mind loses its lightness and Spirituality. Man becomes carnal.
“And the LORD said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh. “ (Gen. 6: 3)
The carnal man is incapable of worshiping God. Even the Spiritual man, when he is full, loses his spirituality, as if he loses the very ability to know God and to serve Him.
The addiction to the earth, to the short-lived earthly life, to the sweetness and vanity in it, the very tendency to sin became inherent in fallen nature.
Physical Fasting in itself is insufficient without Spiritual Fasting.
Those who fast but do not keep their Hearts Pure fast not for Salvation but for condemnation. Because what good is it if we torture our body by not eating, and our Soul is proud or wrong with something else.
Physical Fasting and Spiritual Fasting must be performed together.
Health depends not only on food, but on God’s Benevolence, “which always overshadows the one who surrenders to God’s Will in raising diseases on the way to the fulfillment of God’s Commandments,” in the words of St. Theophanes the Prisoner.
The Church in Uranopoli – Greece
Would it not have been more beneficial for the people to fast both for their bodily health and at the same time for their Spirit to soar high and approach God?
Fast then for God, before you are compelled to fast for medical reasons without any Spiritual benefit.
Fasting, in the Spiritual sense, is far superior to Physical treatment, for it treats the Spirit, the Body, and the Soul all together.
If a person fasts out of his love for God for a Spiritual gain, his body automatically benefits, which is better than fasting on doctor’s order to reduce body weight.
It is indeed a tragedy to see people spend a large part of their life putting on weight, then spending another part of it trying to get rid of excess body fat.
If they had been moderate, and had known from the start the value and benefit of fasting, they would not have had the need to exert all that effort in gaining weight and later trying to lose it.
The period of abstinence should be a time when you elevate yourself totally above eating, materialism and food.
After the period of abstinence, do not eat greedily, for he who abstains from food, then eats what he covets, or chooses certain foods that he enjoys, has not subdued his body, humiliated it, nor rid it of its lusts. This indicates that he has not benefited spiritually from the period of abstinence, a time of renunciation and asceticism if he greedily eats what he lusts for.
Look at what the Prophet Daniel said about his fast: “I ate no pleasant food.” (Dan 10:3).
It is like he who demolishes what he has buit – all in vain!
Fasting is not to build then demolish, and build again only to demolish, without the desire for growth!
If you do not become hungry, you will not understand the depth and meaning of fasting, and if you do not prolong or endure your fast and eat directly after your abstinence, you will not be awarded the benefits conveyed by hunger.
What then are the Spiritual Benefits conveyed by hunger?
He who hungers becomes aware of his weakness.
Thus he defeats his sense of self-delusion, from self reliance and excessive self-confidence. Bodily humility and weakness leads him to Spiritual submission.
When the body is humbled, the Soul is humbled, feeling the need for support and the Soul pleads to God for strength, saying: “O Lord, support my weakness with Your Godly power for I by myself can do nothing.”
Man’s prayer is intense when hungry.
Fervent Spiritual prayers do not come from a full stomach.
That is why Prayer and Fasting are inseparable.
People fast when they seek depth in their prayer.
Alexandria Desert, Egypt
The most important things, in the context of fervent, correct belief in God and love for Him, from the perspective of the Church are Prayer, Fasting and Repentance.
If a man is not Praying, he can fall into any sin. One must Pray correctly – in Spirit and Truth. Heretical or self serving Prayer is not pleasing to God.
The church prescribes Fasting for its children. This is known by Orthodox Christians to be the Will of God for all Christians, and a necessary thing. We understand the verse (paraphrased) “This kind comes out, not but by prayer and fasting” to refer to the passions which are deeply rooted in a man, and not only the demon the Lord was explicitly referring to. This has been the understanding of the church since the time these words were written.
We are not referring to demon possession here, which is usually a result of a long indulgence in particular sins, because the passions are not caused by the demons. The “passions” are those inherent weaknesses in a man which intice him to sin. They increase when they are “fed”, which happens when a man capitulates to the temptation, and they whither away slowly, when they are starved. A man can
starve the passions by continual effort against them, with the help of God, according to the “tried and true” methods of the church.
We already mentioned one “method”, the most important one – Prayer. An incalculable aid to our prayer, and an empowerment to our Will against the passions, is another critical practice of all Orthodox Christians – Fasting.
Fasting is almost forgotten among those who call themselves Christians. This is a great victory for Satan, as there are beneficial Spiritual and Physiological Effects from Fasting.
The church knows by experience that some foods incite passions more than others. Meat is foremost among these foods. Orthodox who are obedient to Christ’s divine and perfect Law – “if you love me, you will keep my commandments”, abstain from meat (beef,pork,lamb,poultry, etc.) , as well as other animal products (eggs, milk, cheese, etc.) on all Wednesdays and Fridays during the year, as well as during four yearly Lenten periods, these being the fast before Pascha (Great Lent), the fast before the Nativity of the Lord, the fast before the Dormition (falling asleep) of the Theotokos (the word means “bearer of God” and refers to Mary the Mother of Jesus), and the fast before the feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. On most of these days, fish, olive oil and alcoholic beverages are also abstained from.
What is the reason we do this?
The simple answer is that we are Christians, and therefore children of God, and like obedient children, we do what our Father tells us to do! The benefits of our obedience to this revealed Will of God are incalculable. Our passions are subdued, and we are strengthened to battle. We can pray with more fervor.
The Holy Apostle Nathaniel said “Come and see” what fasting can do for you!
Holy Gospel
Athos Mount, Greece
It is important to note that our Fasting is done in Obedience to God.
It is not some “work” we do, because we think it would please Him. It is merely obedience to His Divine Will, because we trust Him and love Him. Our nature demands that we fast, and this is one of the reasons why God demands it. We therefore do not make up our own fasting rules, because we are a community, being grafted to Christ. We act in true unity with one another, since the head controls the entire body. “Let all things be done in good order”. It is simple to fast in an orderly, beneficial way: We merely follow the rules of the church, as obedient children, and heirs of the promise.
If we fast in this way, we receive all the benefits of fasting, and avoid the pitfalls of falling victim to pride, despondency (when we fail to meet our own artificial standards), laxness, and self-delusion, which is known in Orthodoxy by the technical term “prelest”.
The third important point I mentioned above is Repentance.
It grows out of correct Prayer, and is strengthened by Fasting. We can only Repent when we know something about ourselves. We must know where we “fall short” of the divine image of God which we bear. We learn this through the Holy Spirit, Who “enlightens the world concerning sin”. This enlightenment is not personal only, but has also been revealed to the entire church.
Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ
The season of Great Lent is the time of preparation for the feast of the Resurrection of Christ.
It is the living symbol of man’s entire life which is to be fulfilled in his own resurrection from the dead with Christ. It is a time of renewed devotion: of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. It is a time of Repentance, a Real Renewal of our Minds, Hearts and deeds in conformity with Christ and His teachings.
It is the time, most of all, of our return to the Great Commandments of our Loving God and our neighbors.
Great Lent is considered the Holiest Fast since our Lord Jesus Christ Himself had done it.
Therefore, during Great Lent we follow the example set by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who fasted on our behalf forty days and forty nights (Matt. 4: 2). During Holy Week, which comes after the 40 days, we live the Passion of Christ day by day and hour by hour. Because of the significance and holiness of Great Lent, the Church designated a week of preparation to precede the 40 days. The Church is teaching us to prepare for Great Lent in a spiritual manner. We fast to prepare ourselves for the 40 holy days.
In the Orthodox Church, Great Lent is not a season of morbidity and gloominess.
On the contrary, it is a time of joyfulness and purification. We are called to “anoint our faces” and to “cleanse our bodies as we cleanse our Souls.” The very first hymns of the very first service of Great Lent set the proper tone of the season:
“Let us begin the lenten time with delight . . . let us fast from passions as we fast from food, taking pleasure in the good words of the Spirit, that we may be granted to see the Holy Passion of Christ our God and His Holy Pascha, Spiritually rejoicing. Thy grace has arisen upon us, O Lord, the illumination of our Souls has shown forth; behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the time of Repentance (Vespers Hymns).”
Great Lent is a Period of Prayer and Repentance
Great Lent is a Period of Prayer and Repentance
Fasting without Repentance and changing one’s life becomes useless.
Unless the fasting person changes their life during fasting, they will only be hungry and exhausted without gaining anything else. Therefore, the Church constantly reminds us of the importance of Repentance during Fasting.
Before Great Lent, we fast Jonah’s Fast and we live the story of Jonah and the Ninevites’ repentance. During the third Sunday of Lent, the Holy Church offers us the Gospel reading of the Prodigal Son as a model of Repentance, which requires an awakening, confession of sins, leaving the place of sin, and returning to the Heavenly Father with confidence in His mercies and acceptance. This parable reveals to us the depth of God’s love for sinners and how He accepts them no matter how horrendous their sin is.
Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” (John 6: 37)
Christ “has come to save that which was lost.” (Matt. 18:11)
God desires that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of Truth (1Tim. 2:4).
Christ is the True Physician who is needed by those who are ill by Sin. He did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to Repentance (Mark 2: 17).
Repentance is a result of divine action; it is the Spirit of God, Who moves the Hearts of sinners to Repent.
It is written in the Holy Bible, “For it is God who works in you both to will and do for His good pleasure.”(Phil. 2: 13)
God’s pleasure is in the return of a sinner so that they will not die in their sin. When God sees His sinful child returning to Him, He has compassion and goes to them, kissing them, and welcomes their return by saying, “It is right that we should make merry and be glad.” (Luke 15: 32) The return of a sinner and their Repentance results in joy to God, as well as all those in Heaven, because, “there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no Repentance.” (Luke 15: 7)
It is our Repentance that God desires, not our Remorse.
We sorrow for our sins, but we do so in the joy of God’s Mercy. We mortify our flesh, but we do so in the joy of our Resurrection into Everlasting Life. We make ready for the Resurrection during Great Lent, both Christ’s Resurrection and our own.
Mamre – Hebron, Palestine
Great Lent extends from Clean Monday until the Friday before Palm Sunday, and that is the time where we are to focus on us getting right with God so that we can rightly celebrate Holy Week and Pascha.
All of the midweek services are penitential in nature, and it is a natural setting for the “big” confession of the year. But from Lazarus Saturday/Palm Sunday onward, the focus is on Christ.
In other words, the Church gives us 40 days to deal with our “own issues” and sins, and get them out of the way so that we can at least give one week (Holy Week) focusing solely on Christ.
We should have already laid our sins at Christ’s feet before Holy Week, during the Great Fast itself (again, from Clean Monday to the Friday before Palm Sunday), because the purpose of the confession is so that we are ready for Holy Week when it gets here! Thus, we should have already made our “big confession” during Great Lent, and any confession during Holy Week should be rather brief and supplementary. Good times to do one’s Lenten great confession is before or after the midweek penitential services such as the Penitential Canon and Presanctified Liturgies (it is best to give the priest a “heads up” if you want confession more than a half hour before the service starts by email or text, since he has preparations to do and has to adjust these preparations to hear confessions). Also, Sundays prior to 9:35am.
Mamre – Hebron, Palestine
Let us strive to do the following during the period of Great Lent and Holy Week:
- Improve in the three Christian duties outlined by Christ in Matthew chapter 6: Charitable Giving, Prayer, and Fasting. Fasting should always be accompanied by prayer.
- Spend more Spiritual time with family– pray more, spend more quality time with family interacting, praying together, talking about the faith, do family bible readings/study, readings books or listening to more things on faith, attending extra church services together.
- Abstain completely from some habit or pastime that has you in its grip or is not Spiritually profitable.
- Attend Church regularly, and when possible penitential midweek services, be engaged in the Prayers at Liturgy and other services, Praying from the Heart, realizing we are working together with God offering the sacrificial Liturgy for the life of the world.
- Monday-Friday say the Lenten prayer of St. Ephraim of Syria: “Lord and Master of my life, take from me the Spirit of laziness, despair, lust for power, and idle talk. Give, rather, the Spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to me, your servant. Yes, Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for you are blessed to the ages of ages.”
- On Fridays say this Prayer in addition (either before eating or at some other time): “Lord, who on this day suffered on the cross that all people might be drawn to You, I commit myself to you on this day of your salvation. Accept my fast, increase in me the desire to do good and love for your commandments, help me entrust my life to you daily, and teach me how to love as I should.”
- In Orthodox practice, and this has sadly fallen away over the past several years, traditionally Great Lent excludes secular music and secular entertainment, dancing, parties and all other distractions from Spiritual Life and Spiritual Growth, and above all from Repentance. We are to replace them with listening to spiritual music, reading or listening to Scripture and other edifying books, exchanging youtube videos on secular matters with matters of faith, etc. If you will not do this on all days, then do it at least on Wednesdays and Fridays (when Christ was betrayed and when Christ was crucified).
- Prepare for and go to a meaningful and well-prepared Confession at least once during the 40 day fast of Great Lent (i.e. before Holy Week). Well prepared means doing a full examination of conscience. Why before the Holy Week? Great Lent and the Holy Week are distinct from one another and have different purposes. Think of it this way: For the 40 day fast, Jesus gives each of us “me” time to work out our own salvation. So Great Lent is “us time”, but Holy Week is “Jesus’ time.”
- Choose a Fasting Plan that works for you during Great Lent and Holy Week. Many want to fast, but cannot do the strictest levels of fasting for various reasons. Do not “just give up” and do nothing! As St. Isaac of Syria teaches us: “If you cannot fast for two days at a time, at least fast till evening. And if you cannot fast until evening, then at least keep yourself from eating too much.”
- For Presanctified Liturgy, fast until midday, eat fasting foods as needed after that, and abstain from all food for 4 hours prior to Communion (Communion usually comes about 50 minutes into the Presanctified Liturgy). In other words, if Presanctified Liturgy starts at say 7pm, communion would be about 7:50pm. Count back 4 hours from that (start abstaining from food around 3:50pm). Obviously if a person gets sick or has some sort of health requirement where they need to eat, they should do so, and may still commune.
Christians must always fast in ways that are not a detriment to one’s health (to do things that harm the body goes contrary to the faith).
Particular fasting disciplines are relaxed, when necessary, when one is travelling or ill. For those who have special health needs, for example diabetes, modifications need made to fasting rules. In such a case, fasting from all foods that are unhealthy may be your form of fast. Likewise, those who take medications that require a certain pattern of eating should do so as needed.
In general, the words of Saint Isaac of Syria are pertinent for exceptions, where he states: “If you cannot fast for two days in a row completely, at least fast until evening. And if you cannot fast until evening, then at least keep yourself from eating too much.” (Homily 51).
Amount of Food: Monday-Friday of Great Lent we restrict not only the kind of food that we eat but also the amount of food.
But there is no restriction of the amount of food eaten on Saturdays and Sundays as we still have abstention from certain kinds of foods, that there is no limitation on the amount of food that you can eat since they are feast days within the fast. With Great Saturday alone being the exception in the year, where we fast until afternoon, as we, through Fasting and Prayer, participate in Christ’s life-saving death and descent into Hell and then eat following the “First Resurrection” Liturgy
of St. Basil in the afternoon (but we still do not eat meat, eggs and cheese until after all the services are served for Pascha, meaning until after the midnight festal Liturgy).
Below are four plans so that you can fast with some continuity throughout Great Lent and Holy Week on a level that is possible for you that maintain continuity within Church tradition.
If you generally have found yourself not fasting at all year after year, at least practice the Basic Fasting Level. If you have no health impediments, are prepared to increase prayer and charitable deeds then try one of the more strict plans.
On Monday-Friday, refrain from eating a full meal until afternoon – no meat, eggs, dairy through the whole period. One may eat olive oil and small portion of wine only on Saturdays and Sundays and Annunciation, fish with backbone only on Annunciation, Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday. One may eat shellfish through the period. No hard liquor (strong drink). During Holy Week, fast as strictly as possible, and especially from Thursday evening after supper until Saturday night from meat, eggs, cheese, fish with backbone, olive oil, and alcohol, eating no full meals but only collations (small meals for health) until after the final Resurrection Liturgy (late Saturday/early Pascha Sunday).
On Monday -Friday throughout Lent and Holy Week, refrain from eating a full meal until afternoon. Abstain from all meat throughout Great Lent and Holy Week. Abstain from eggs and dairy throughout, but when this is not possible most definitely on Pure Week, on Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the period, and during Holy Week. Note, as in the history of the Church, so also in many jurisdictions dispensation is given for dairy or eggs for sustenance in our modern context, especially on Saturday/Sunday. On Monday-Friday of the first week of the Great Fast and Monday-Saturday of Holy Week abstain from vertebrate fish. Hard liquor is to be abstained from throughout all of Lent. A modest amount of wine/beer is allowed on Saturdays (except Holy Saturday) and Sundays (except for those addicted to alcohol, who should abstain from all alcohol anyway). During Holy Week (from Holy Monday to Great Saturday), try to fast as strictly as possible, and especially from Thursday evening after supper until Saturday night, abstaining from meat, eggs, dairy, fish, and alcohol. Eat no full meals but only collations (small meals for health) from Thursday night after supper until Saturday after the Basil Liturgy, but then still eat only fasting foods. Following the midnight Liturgy we break the ascetical fast and eat all kinds of foods as it is the Feast of feasts, with a completely fast-free week following.
Monday-Friday throughout Lent and Holy Week eat less food than normal (intermittent fasting works as it is traditional not to eat until noon on at least Wednesday and Friday). Eat no meat, eggs or dairy on Pure Monday, nor on Wednesdays and Fridays throughout. Abstain from a whole meat group (mammal meat, for example, since mammals are closest to humans, or at least from a whole group such as beef or pork) throughout the whole period, and all meat, eggs and cheese on Wednesdays (betrayal) and Fridays (crucifixion). Hard liquor is to be abstained from throughout all of Lent. A modest amount of wine/beer is allowed on Saturdays (except Holy Saturday) and Sundays (except for those addicted to alcohol, who should abstain from all alcohol anyway). During Holy Week, try to fast as strictly as possible, but especially from Thursday evening after supper until Saturday night from meat, eggs and cheese, eating no full meals but only collations (small meals for health) until after the final Resurrection Liturgy.
Eat less food Monday-Friday throughout Lent and during Holy Week. Give up at least one type of mammal meat (pork, beef, etc.) throughout the whole period, and all meat and dairy on Pure Monday and on all Wednesdays and Fridays throughout. Give up at least one type of food from the “dairy” group (cheese, chocolate, ice cream, eggs or egg yolks, etc.) during the whole period-try picking one that you may find indulgent or may have an addictive drive toward. Hard liquor (“strong drink” in biblical language) is to be abstained from throughout all of Lent. A modest amount of wine/beer may be partaken on Saturdays (except Holy Saturday) and Sundays (except for those addicted to alcohol, who should abstain from all alcohol anyway). During Holy Week, try to fast as strictly as possible, but especially from Thursday evening after supper until Saturday night from meat, eggs and cheese, eating no full meals but only collations (small meals for health) until after the final Resurrection Liturgy.
Fasting benefits the body in several ways, some of which are outlined below:
- Fasting is a period of rest for some of the organs of our body. It is a period of rest for all the digesting and associated systems, such as the stomach, the intestines, the liver, and the gall bladder, overworked by high consumption and composite food. The digestion system become upset when more food is introduced as it attempts to digest the existing contents. Conversely, when one fasts, the digestion system rests during the period of abstinence, and the light food, which is later eaten, does not trouble it. Moreover, we find relief from the food we eat between meals. How wonderful it would be to carry this discipline over to non-fasting days.
- Another benefit of vegetarian foods is that it reduces cholesterol, since it is well documented that fats and grease found in meat leads to an increase in the blood cholesterol level. The danger is of course in the formation of blood clots. As a result, doctors ask their patients to keep away from food such as meat, eggs, fatty oils and the like in order to keep the body healthy, especially for those advanced in years. They recommend vegetable foods in an attempt to revert man to his original vegetarian nature, to the food of the Garden of Eden.
- One who fasts gets rid of his obesity and flabbiness. When a person is overweight, the heart is overworked as it attempts to send blood to the extra quantity of tissue in the form of excess fat. This extra quantity of tissue is beyond that which God has required him to support. In addition, obesity causes many ailments to the body. Doctors insist that body weight be reduced to keep it healthy. They impose certain regimes upon an obese person (which is considered a sickness), to control what he eats instead of eating uncontrollably. One who fasts and controls themselves is not in need of a special diets.
- Fasting helps treat many illnesses. Fasting helps rid the body of its toxins. Although the body gets rid of many of them through its various methods of excretion, some remain and may be excreted through fasting. In fasting, the body does not get enough food and begins to dissipate its fats, grease, diseased and festered tissues, which are then excreted by the body. A long term temperate fast that followed a certain regime could treat many diseases.
- Fasting makes the body light and active. Our Fathers, who perfected fasting, had light bodies and elevated Spirits. They were energetic, having strong hearts and were able to walk tens of kilometres a day without becoming tired. They moved in the wilderness like deer, and their minds were not sluggish but very bright. Thus through fasting they gained strength for their bodies, spirits, and minds. They found comfort and pleasure in fasting, so much so that their life became a life of fasting.
Let nobody therefore deceive you and say that fasting or vegetable food weakens one’s health, for in fact it gives it strength.
Fasting is not a remedy for the Spirit alone, but it is also for the body. There have never been any cases were vegetarian food has harmed or weakened anyone.
Prophet Daniel and the three young men did not eat meat at the King’s table. It was sufficient to eat beans and their health was better than the others. (Dan 1: 15).
Our fathers, the ascetics and the great monks, were very strict in their fasts. Yet we have never heard that fasting weakened their health. On the contrary, they remained strong even in their old age.
Nowhere is it mentioned that our father Adam became sick or weak from eating vegetarian food. The same applies to Eve and to all the fathers preceding Noah’s and the great flood. Therefore, rest assured about your bodily health.
What tires the body is not fasting but eating.
Overeating, indigestion, eating between meals, etc… all leads to bodily exhaustion. Moreover, the body is also fatigued from the extra heat energy generated by foods consumed beyond man’s need. How great are the sicknesses brought about by overeating.
Therefore, you have to liberate yourselves from the idea that fasting hurts your health.
The Studies of the scientists provided detailed evidence that:
- Fasting mobilizes the energy stored in the fatty tissue of the human body. The metabolism switches from glucose to fat and ketone consumption, causing many beneficial effects. The metabolic change was documented in the study by the permanent presence of ketone bodies in the urine.
- Fasting leads to significant weight loss, a reduced abdominal circumference, and lower cholesterol and blood lipid levels.
- Fasting also normalized blood pressure and improved diabetes parameters such as blood sugar and HbA1c, thus improving many factors that contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system.
- Furthermore, in 84 % of cases, serious health conditions such as arthritis, type 2 diabetes as well as fatty liverand hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure and fatigue improved through fasting.
- 93 % of the subjects did not feel hungry during fasting, which contributed to their emotional and physical well-being.
- Medically supervised fasting had only very few side-effects, which could be treated easily and without interruptions to fasting. In individual cases, subjects experienced restless sleep, headaches, tiredness or lumbar spine complaints during the first three days.
In summary, fasting has been shown to be a safe and well-tolerated approach to prevent age-related illnesses and treat chronic metabolic disorders, including weight issues.
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When you clean your Energy Centers and charge them on a daily base with Pure Еnergy from your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators you have enough Divine Light energy exactly to Change your Mind and Direction or in other words to have the Will to Pray, Fast and Repent.
By Praying and Meditating with Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators your Mind is preserved in the necessary purity and sobriety and your Heart in the necessary lightness and spirituality.
Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators help you to fight the Passions within your Heart by increasing the Divine Light of Lord Jesus Christ in all your Human Energy Structure!
And as we already know Fasting is a Spiritual abstinence through the renunciation of pleasures and the use of blissful food with a moderate intake of fasting food.
Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators give you the strength to benefit from hunger and not escape from it.
True Fasting is a spiritual act primarily taking place inside the Heart. The function of the body in fasting is to prepare the Soul or rather to disclose the Soul’s affection.
By Fasting & Praying & Repenting with Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators within your Energy Field your Soul rises above the level of materialism and food, and above the level of the body. It leads the body along in victorious procession and spiritual desires. The body expresses this through fasting.
If we confine our definition of fasting to the humiliation of the body through hunger and deprivation of what it covets, we will be adhering to the negative aspect of fasting, ignoring the positive and spiritual ones.
With Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators Fasting is not hunger for the body but nourishment for the Soul.
Fasting, as some people speculate, is not a bodily torture, martyrdom, or a cross, but it is a way to elevate the body to reach the level of cooperation with the Soul. When we fast, our intention is not to torture the body but to shun its behaviour.
Thus, one who fasts becomes a Spiritual and not a Physical person.
I invite you to Click the link above and to start Practicing with your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators now! This is a Spiritual Practice for Fasting, Praying & Repenting with the Divine Light Power of Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators written by me, especially and only for using it with Soul Energy Products.
With love in the Lord,
Stella Kamenova