WAYs OF using

Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators are made especially for you to wear them as a Necklace over your Physical Body in order to influence your Energy Centers in a positive way.
You have the option to wear your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator, physically over your Sacral, Solar, and Heart Energy Centers. But no matter where exactly it is over your front part of your body All Benefits
of using it become reality. As all Energy Centers work connected to each other and good positive changes within one of them leads to the same in the others as well as the opposite.
I strongly recommend that for better results and constant cleansing and balancing of your Energy Centers, charging with Cosmic and Spiritual Energy of your Human Energy Structure, and constant connection with the Divine Light of God, you to wear your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator at all times during your day and night.
During the day, if you feel more comfortable depending on your activities, you can also wear your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator inside your wallet, purse or handbag.

Lord Jesus Christ’s Grave
Jerusalem, Israel
The most important thing for you is to be with your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator wearing it or holding it during your Praying and Meditation Time, no matter if it is day or night or both.
You can consciously put your attention and concentration into using your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator with all Praying and Meditation Spiritual Practices, created by me, Stella Kamenova especially for working with every type of Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator.

During the day you can wear your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator both below your blouse, shirt, t-shirt or above it as jewelry, which looks very beautiful and attracts good vibrations. In all your activities (walking, working, resting, exercising, dancing, cycling, running) except those including making them wet directly, like swimming or bathing, you can stay with your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator as long as you feel comfortable.
During the day, if you feel more comfortable depending on your activities, you can also wear your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator inside your wallet, purse or handbag.
Boarding a plane
When you board a plane, bring your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator on you or inside your hand Baggage, as you need it as Protection.
Before you go under the scanning detectors, take it off of your neck and put it inside your hand luggage. You will avoid questions about the size and material of your big jewelry as it will start making noise, due to the Anodized Aluminum structure. Once you go out of the scanning machine, you can put your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator on you, again.
My traveling experience has shown this to be the best option.

During the night, you can sleep with your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator on you. This is what I am practicing.
In case you prefer to not wearing your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator, while you sleep, you can put it next to you or below your pillow.
For reasons why you have to wear your Necklace Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator, during the night sleep read here.

Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators For Hands and Body are made especially for you with the aim of cleaning, purifying, charging and balancing of your Human Energy Structure.
They can be successfully used for purifying the Energy Structures of the substances, liquids and spaces around you.

Cave of Prophet Elijah
Carmel Mount, Israel
The most important thing, for you, is to be with your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators For Body and Hands close, holding it in different ways during your Praying and Meditation Time no matter if it is the day, night or both.
You can consciously put your attention and concentration into using your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators For Body and Hands with all Praying and Meditation Spiritual Practices, created by me, Stella Kamenova, especially for working with every type of Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator.
You can also FAST with your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators.
There are 3 Main Energy Fields, for which you can use your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators For Body and Hands – Human Energy Field, Substances and Liquids Energy Field and Spaces Energy Field.
Human Energy Field
You can use your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator For Body and Hands in two ways.
• By putting your hands over your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator
• By putting your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator over different parts of your Physical body, in different ways.
Both ways of using of your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator For Body and Hands bring All Benefits of the Noosphere Regulators, as well the benefits of the specific Type of the Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator, chosen by yourself.

Why is using your hands, by putting them over your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator, the most important way of working with it?
When you Pray and Meditate it is very important for you to use your hands!
When you put your hands over the Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator, it helps your Mind to concentrate by using your sense of touch, your most sensitive sensory perception.
Even if 90% of the information transmitted to the human brain is visual, the tactile stimuli have the property to create a deeper impression on us.
That is why the monks are using prayer ropes when they pray the Jesus’ Prayer.
By touching your Soul Energy oosphere Regulators, with your hands, you can connect directly to both Necklace and For Body and Hands and their Energy Structures, which are radiating the Vibrations of the Divine Light of God. We can also learn to be constant by overcoming our fallen nature, which usually falls victim to daily influences.
The Energy Centers, located in the palm of your hands, are powerful tools of perception and healing.
Your Palms’ Energy Centers are concentrated Energetic Fields, in charge of transmitting Energy from other Energy Centers.
Self-healing work, involves the hands as the primary means to feel, give, and receive Energy. The Energy of the Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator channels into your palms and through them to your Main 7 Energy Centers and to all your Human Energy Structure.

The Energy Centers of the Feet and Legs are our body’s physical connection to the earth. They link us energetically to the planet and the energy frequency of the Earth, and ultimately the Universe. This is the place that you can create any type of grounding technique that suits you.

Ankles and Calves Energy Centers

Knees Energy Centers

Thighs and Hips Energy Centers
BACK Energy Centers

BACK Energy Centers
Every Main Energy Center of your body has front and back side. The front part of your Energy Centers is in the front side of the body. And the back of your Energy Centers face the back of our body. The front side give you the ability to give, this is what you give to the world and how you perceive the world. The back side points is your ability to receive. This is what you receive from the world, how the world perceives you.
Your body and Earth are in a relationship for whatever time you spend here as beings acting through a body.
HEAD Energy Centers
You can put your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators over your head too.
HEAD Energy Centers
You can put your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators over your head too.
During the day you can wear your Noosphere Regulators with you in all your activities.
During the day you can wear your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators with you in all your activities.

Inside your handbag while walking in the city or in the nature (rack sack, beach bag).

Over your desk while working in the office.

Over your desk or your children desk while studying – proper for every age.

Over your piano or next to you if playing on another musical instrument while practicing.

Around you or over you while exercising, playing football, lifting weights, while dancing, running, etc.

While we are relaxing no matter if we are inside or outside.

During the night you can sleep with your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator For Hands and Body on you. This is what I am practicing. But while you sleep you can put it next to you.
For why you have to put your Soul Energy Nooosphere Regulators during the night sleep close to you read here.
Make every cell in your body awaken and rejoice with your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators.
Substances and Liquids Energy Field
Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators have the unique ability to purify and structure not only your Human Energy Field but also the Energy Field of your Food, Water and other types of Liquids, of your Cosmetics and of your Medicines.
How Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators can purify and structure your Water, Food, Cosmetic and Medicines read here.

Food – Raw or cooked
Vegetables, fruits, bread, cheese, meat



Spaces Energy Field
Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators can clean the negative energy flows and vibrations of the closed spaces where you live or work or spend time inside.
I invite You to buy Medium or Large Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators of every type and to put them on the shelf or over your working desk, both at your home and office.
Both Yours and the Space’s Energy Fields are protected from All Negative Energy Vibrations with Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators.
Even though your home, office, car, planes, trains, restaurant, hall or other closed spaces energy can’t be seen, it can definitely be felt.
Have you ever walked into a home that felt dark and dingy even though it was tidy?
First impressions of a space are heavily influenced by the Space’s Energy. Places with good Energy feel warm and welcoming, whereas places with negative or stagnant Energy feel uninviting.
When you have your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulator with you for the first time walk with it within every room of your home or your working area as well your car and purify them from all negative vibrations.
In order to avoid damaging your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators you should not:
•Wet the physical structure of your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators in any way - no pouring of liquids over it, no bathing with it, no swimming with it.
• Drop it on the ground or throw it hard over surfaces, as to not damage the Anodized Aluminum covers, of your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators.
• Do not scratch them with solid objects.
You can wipe your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators with wet napkins first and then with another dry microfiber cloth (not sponges). This is done to prevent them from getting spots.
Another way of cleaning your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators is with glass detergent or disinfectant splashed over your microfiber cloth and then wiping them until there are no spots.
With love in the Lord,
Stella Kamenova