The Sea of Galilee – Capernaum, Israel
We all experience pain in life, whether emotional or physical pain.
No pain is alike, we must all walk the journey and path that God has for our lives, yet God promises that there is a purpose in all pain. We can press on each day knowing that our God loves us and wants to use the hurt and pain in this world to bring Him glory.
From a logical point of view, it would seem that God would reward those who do good with less pain.
Certainly, it would seem that God would give those in Christian ministry a free pass from pain.
Apostle Paul didn’t get a pass free from pain. In fact, as he set about his world planting churches, and becoming the leader of the evangelistic movement among Gentiles, he seemed to endure an incredible amount of pain.
Lord Jesus Christ knew pain, of course, weeping at the tomb of Lazarus, and over unrepentant Jerusalem. He knew the physical pain of the Cross and the personal pain of betrayal. He had seen rejection and disappointment as surely, as you have.
Pain happens and has a purpose.
The role of Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators is to help you not only increase your Energy Level by merging with the Divine Light of God but amid pain that will not leave, help you to discover at least part of the purpose your pain has. That kind of process leads to a maturity found through no other process. These are lessons that can be learned only through suffering.
Apostle Paul concluded for himself that his “thorn” was meant to keep him from becoming conceited about his miraculous life and ministry. Like Apostle Paul, perhaps most of us can’t see the purpose of our pain right at first. If someone you love gets orders to deploy to war, you’ll know the truth of the old saying, that “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” If you’re the one forced to leave, the pain of separation will greatly increase the intensity of training, preparation, and work.
The same is true for your personal pain. In the suffering, it is extremely difficult to find the purpose of your pain and to celebrate that purpose.
Unless, of course, faith plays a role. During pain, there is an opportunity to find faith and maturity that could accelerate your Christian growth like nothing else possibly could. It takes a tremendous leap of faith to pray to a God who allows the suffering and say, “God, I don’t know the purpose of this pain, but I trust you to have a purpose in it.”
There are no guarantees for any of us, even those called into ministry. Pain happens. For those who will dare search for pain’s purpose, there is one more thing – Pain has a power.
In this particular passage, Apostle Paul receives a special message from the Lord. If you’ve got a red-letter Bible, more than likely, you’ve already spotted the red-letter moment. Lord Jesus Christ told Apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” The message, and the messenger, gave Apostle Paul a tremendous boost.
Perhaps we should note that Apostle Paul didn’t hear from the Lord very often.
According to most scholars’ time-lines, Lord Jesus Christ was crucified about A.D. 30. Apostle Paul was saved about five years later, on the road to Damascus. It was a miraculous salvation experience, complete with a blinding light and the thunderous voice of Lord Jesus Christ, sending Apostle Paul into three days of repentant fasting. In just a few weeks, Apostle Paul had another supernatural experience in Jerusalem, when he “saw the Lord speaking” while in a trance (Acts 22:17). There, Lord Jesus Christ told Apostle Paul to take the message of the Gospel to the Gentiles, an instruction that represented a major shift in missions and Paul’s personal life. Before this moment, he wouldn’t have shared left-over bread with a Gentile, much less a message of hope and love.
But sixteen years, at least, passed before Apostle Paul had another such recorded experience. Two miraculously-personal encounters occurred in maybe sixteen weeks, and not another one for sixteen years! After that next miraculous message, it would be another six years, at least, before the next, and according to the record of Acts, there was never another one. Apostle Paul also had a vision, however, of a man from Macedonia (Acts 16:9) and an angel of the Lord (Acts 27:23–24). And perhaps he had other such encounters, but Apostle Luke only tells us of these.
I think it’s fair to say that for most of Apostle Paul’s pain, Lord Jesus Christ didn’t show up. Apostle Peter, the natural leader of the post-Pentecost church, had only two such experiences, according to Luke’s history. Saint Stephen also had a miraculous appearance from the Lord, but only at the last moment, as he prepared to die.
None of those New Testament heroes had a personal appearance from the Lord at every beating, scourging, or arrest. They must have suffered a great deal in relative silence, and they must have wondered many times why God would allow it.
When Apostle Paul kept asking for his “thorn” to be removed, he got a direct lesson in pain’s power from the Lord Himself.
Apostle Paul decided he was fine with the pain. If Christ’s power was upon him in the pain, then he would rather have the strength of Christ than his weakness.
“When I am weak, then I am strong,” Apostle Paul said. And that’s the power of pain.
Praying and Meditating with Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators can help you understand the purpose of pain in your life and encourage you to find joy in the middle of suffering. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in Spirit.
Please don’t give up hope, God has so much more for your life!
Bring your burdens, including your pain to Lord Jesus Christ and ask Him to encourage you and help you keep your eyes on Eternity. The Bible says, “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall” (Psalm 55:22).