Prayer 1
Prayer 1
Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the Cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord.
Take control of my life, make me the kind of a person you want me to be. Amen.
Prayer 2
Prayer 2
Save me Oh, God by Your Name! Have mercy on me according to Your Unfailing Love. Create in me a Pure Heart Oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit within me.
Do not cast me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me but restore to me the joy of Your Salvation and grant me a willing Spirit to sustain me. Amen.
Prayer 3
Prayer 3
Lord Jesus Christ, open the ears & the eyes of my heart, so that I may hear Your words and understand them & may fulfill Your Will! My God as I seek you I find you! Thank you for always being easily accessible to me! Right now I just want to appreciate the fact that I can call on You! When I am tempted to turn to other things, remind me that You Are near and that You will have mercy on those who come to You! I love You! In Your name. Amen!
Prayer 4
Prayer 4
Dear Father, we come to you because everything we try to do doesn’t really fill the emptiness inside us. We confess our need for Your forgiveness and cleansing right now. My Lord, I know You Are the Life-Giver and You Are the one Who opens our eyes and softens our hearts to see You and long for You. We ask that Lord Jesus Christ, The Savior place His graciousness on us right now.
Please pour out Your Love inside our hearts in the name of the Master Who washes the feet of His disciples. Amen.
Prayer 5
Prayer 5
I am falling at Your feet with a repentant heart. I am crying out and confessing my sins.
I am praying You would snatch them out of my thoughts. I am asking You to cleanse my Heart. In order to be forgiven and be Yours again, then I will be able to restore my relationship with You, my Lord.
Prayer 6
Prayer 6
Grant me your mercy.
My redeemer, redeem me,
for I am yours.
I came from you.
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You are my mind:
give me birth.
You are my treasure:
open for me.
You are my fullness:
accept me.
You are my rest:
give me unlimited perfection.
I pray to you,
you who exist and preexisted,
in the name exalted above every name,
through Jesus the anointed,
lord of lords,
king of the eternal realms.
Give me your gifts, with no regret,
through the human child,
the spirit,
the advocate of truth.
Give me authority, I beg of you,
give healing for my body, as I beg you,
through the preacher of the gospel,
and redeem my enlightened soul forever, and my spirit,
and disclose to my mind the firstborn of the fullness of grace.
Grant what eyes of angels have not seen,
what ears of rulers have not heard,
and what has not arisen in the hearts of people,
who became angelic,
and after the image of the animate god
when it was formed in the beginning.
I have the faith of hope.
And bestow upon me
your beloved, chosen, blessed majesty,
you who are the firstborn, the first-conceived,
and the wonderful mystery of your house.
For yours is the power and the glory and the praise and the greatness,
forever and ever.
Prayer of Paul the Apostle
Prayer 7
Prayer 7
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your promise to stand by me as I face the fiery challenges of life! I want to trust you more completely today.
Grant me the courage and faith to stand by you now!
My aim is to please you & always stand true for You!
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Thank You for the gift of Lord Jesus Christ, Who came to earth to die for my sins and open for me the door back to Paradise.
Help me to remember my destination, which is to stand before You. May I come to that moment in a way that You will find me worthy to enter Your heavenly Kingdom.
Help me to take positive steps each day as I journey towards this moment.
Help me to seek out and to see opportunities for spiritual encouragement, from Your sacred Scriptures and from Your Holy Church. Help me to take my place in a church community where I can also serve as a spiritual encourager, encouraging others not only in life but in faith as well.
My Lord, help me to be a light in the world today. Speak good things into my heart about mercy, compassion and kindness. Help me to remember to lead with these things, even in the times when I am frustrated and angry, even with those who don’t deserve these things from me. You are merciful, kind and compassionate toward my shortcomings. Help me to extend this to others. Help me to see those who need encouragement today and to offer it generously.
Accept my commitment now in the name of our Savior Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!