Living in the power of the Holy Spirit is what you need in order to Discover your Spirit Power.

To discover your Spirit Power, means to bring God’s love into your life. Such a life is lived out of love for humanity, and for the Spirit that gives Itself to life. True spiritual life begins where the self-serving aspects of ego leave off and where the consideration of others begins.

Spiritual power isn’t about what you can do and how much you can get others to do what you want and follow you either. It is simply about you being YOU! The best you, the real you and the YOU who fulfills what you came here to do. The cooperation of power always starts within.

The Power of the Holy Spirit works to Free and Redeem God’s People. The Power of the Holy Spirit Is the Power of God.

Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators guide you to discover your spiritual power through the Divine Light of God with which your Human Energy Structure merges. This happens the moment you have your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators within your Bio-Field. Your energy starts increasing, your Praying and Meditation time uplifts your Soul on the divine path of love, hope, faith, truth, wisdom and knowledge of God!
You know you are safe and loved no matter what is going on outside of you or around you or even inside you. You know, trust and align with the spiritual truth. You believe in the divine plan of the Lord for your life.

The Holy Spirit is a living power that enables you to live a healthy lifestyle if you surrender to God and will help you make healthy choices if you submit to God.

Living in the power of the Holy Spirit starts when you get before God. James 4:8 talks about this when James says, “Come near to God and he will come near to you.” This first step is all about intentionality. It’s about you living as if God’s presence is so important for you that you get up early to spend time with God.
Mark 1:35 tells us Lord Jesus Christ himself got up early in the morning to pray and spend time with the Father.
If you want to live in the power of the Spirit, you have to start being in God’s presence regularly, and that takes intentionality. Don’t be surprised if God’s power seems to be lacking in your life if you never make it a priority to get to God. Carve time out of your day to speak to Him, stop everything, completely unplug, get still, get quiet, and get before God. That’s the first step to living in the power of the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit teaches you the truth you need. It rebukes you if you have transgressed the Law of God. It provides a way of correction and shows how you should be living and then it gives you training in how to live a righteous life before God.

Holy Spirit is within you and you are not prideful anymore. You become more humble with reading scriptures and meditating with your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators, as it connects you directly and increases the divine light of God within your Soul.

God hates pride. Humbling yourself is about submission, of emptying you of yourself so that God can fill you with the Spirit. Pray and meditate, declare your dependence on God, ask for His help, cultivate humility. Living in the power of the Spirit will never come without humility. So, however, you need to get over yourself, get over yourself.

Living in the power of the Spirit does not negate the need for God’s Word but works in tandem with it. The value of the Bible is that this is the inspired Word of God. That doesn’t mean that God can’t speak to us outside of the Bible. God wants to interact with you every day through the Holy Spirit. But it does mean that God will not tell you something through the Holy Spirit that contradicts what He has already told us through his word. That’s why you have to know what the Bible says because it’s the borders from within which God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit is within your heart and Soul, increasing the inner peace and harmony by balancing your Energy Structure. Get before God. Humble yourself. Obey what the Spirit tells you to do. Specialize in your spiritual gifts. Test everything according to the Word of God.

I call you to humbly seek the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. Do it with your eyes open. There will be a price, which will be jealousy, the accusation of false doctrine and carnal counter-power coming your way from the outside world. It will be worth it. This is because the power of God is precious. It is a precious thing to know that the angel of the Lord comes—or does not come—according to the sovereign grace and wisdom of God. And if he comes, then we go on giving the Life of God to others. And if he does not, then we go on living that Life right into heaven as the Spirit of glory and God rests upon us.
So with your eyes open to the price and the preciousness of spiritual power, I invite you to seek its fullness from the Lord.

Pray and Meditate with your Soul Energy Noosphere Regulators every day and don’t be surprised when the Spirit begins to display His power in and through your life.


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